
Collecting quality books for our family + yours

Finding life-giving, quality books for kids can be hard these days. Finding them at a good price can be even harder. Our bookshop is full of hand-collected books, perfect for adding to your little one’s shelves or to add to your homeschooling collection.

How it started

Our bookshop grew out of my love for collecting beautifully-written and illustrated, wholesome vintage books for my own children; ones that had been library-retired or passed from grandma’s shelves to thrift stores, estate sales or local yard sales.

So over the past 5+ years, I’ve been sharing that love with other homeschool families through our bookshop. As I collect for my family’s library, I also collect for yours, offering mostly vintage, but all excellent quality, used books, making these treasures available at an affordable price, knowing that your family will love them just as much as ours.

Grab some books for your family today

Visit our bookshop today to see what finds Stephanie has curated.

I just want to mention the extra care and thought Steph puts into sharing these books with everyone: she spends hours sorting through stacks and stacks of books at library sales and antique shops to find these gems… It’s seriously the sweet and thoughtful little touches that you just can’t get with big box stores.
